Torino, 17°C poche nuvole (fonte)
If you travel by public transport, find out what the services are...
If you use the bicycle, find out which are the cycle paths...
Find out how the ZTL of Turin works...
If you choose the train, find out what the services are...
Discover the route and timetables of the line...
If you use public transport, find out the fares...
Find out the parking facilities' state of occupancy...
Choose sharing mobility also for car journeys...
Find out more about sharing services of bicycle, e-scooter and e-moped......
Time | Dest | Fly | State |
20:55 | NAPOLI | V71725 | imbarco in corso |
21:45 | LONDON Gatwick | BA2595 | imbarco terminato |
22:45 | BARI | FR8340 | partenza prevista alle ore 23:00 |
Time | Dest | Fly | State |
22:10 | BARI | FR8341 | previsto alle ore 22:25 |
22:10 | PARIS Charles de Gaulle | AF1502 | previsto alle ore 22:20 |
22:25 | BARCELONA | FR9111 | previsto alle ore 22:50 |
If you travel by car, find out where to park...
Discover the services of the main railway stations...
Find out the initiative concerning "Mobility as a Service (MaaS)" in Turin city...